New to Bowling
Thinking about taking up lawn bowls or simply joining in for the social fun?
Well, before you do, did you know that the sport of lawn bowls has a long history that stretches back to at least the 13th century and possibly earlier, with the world’s oldest surviving bowling green – the Southampton Old Bowling Green – dating way back to 1299!! We’re not that old and despite the common belief that bowls is for old folk, it’s really a popular game for any age, and it’s been around for a long time!
So, come along to our Club! You are welcome to visit between 4pm-6pm any Friday afternoon and talk to our friendly members about joining.
Have a go!
Before you make any decisions about joining our club, why not have a go? We invite you to a free one hour bowling experience on our greens
- Basic tuition by one of our experienced bowlers
- Use our club bowls
- A tour of our club
- Access information about our memberships
- Experience a warm welcome from our club members
NOTE: Please wear comfortable casual clothes. Smooth, soft-soled shoes OR bare feet can only be used on our synthetic bowling greens.
What types of Memberships are available?
Full Members ($230) Participate in all bowling events – social, club, pennants and championships. Full members must be over the age of 18 years. They have Club voting rights and can hold a position on the general committee.
Recreational Members ($50) Have access to all games of social bowls that are promoted by the Club, but do not qualify to play pennants, club championships or open events played at home and at other clubs.
Social Members ($10) Are not able to play bowls or have access to the greens, except for our Community Barefoot Bowls. However they can enjoy the great socialisation of Friday evenings, all other social events and receive club priced drinks.
Junior Members ($10) are under the age of 18 years.
How to Join?
Application Forms, as well as our Club Members Code of Conduct, are available at the Club or click on the link below. You will need to read both documents and complete your Application, together with the signatures of two Full Members, who will propose and second your nomination. Your Application will be posted on the club notice board and will then be formally considered by the General Committee who meet once per month.